“Art opens the closets, airs out the cellars
and attics. It brings healing.”
– Julia Cameron, Author of the Artist's Way
I have turned to art to find new perspectives, to reflect and recharge. We are all capable of using the creative process for healing and personal growth. We can use art as a form of meditation, releasing stress, and allowing for self-reflection. Through my paintings, free doodling and coloring resources, and art therapy workbooks, I hope to spread the joy and healing power of art.

Art That Heals
The Healing Bouquets collection of watercolor floral art began when my family and I had to overcome tragedy and find new perspectives and sources of joy. I continue to paint new Bouquets for key milestones in life and to gift them to friends who are grieving and dealing with trauma.

Stress - Relief Coloring Pages
Coming Soon
Coloring and doodling are proven to reduce stress, improve memory, and stimulate creativity.* Daryas Art publishes free stress-relief coloring and doodling pages that are inspired by nature, gardens, flowers, and Florida wildlife.

Art Therapy Workbooks
Coming Soon
Art therapy workbooks are an excellent way to explore the healing power of art no matter your skill level or previous experience. Through the creative process of observation, exploration, and expression you can foster mindfulness and self-reflection, resulting in physical and emotional well-being. Art therapy encourages relaxation and self-discovery while accompanying mediation and journaling exercises provide a safe space to process difficult emotions and personal experiences. With the help of art therapy workbooks, individuals can find comfort and peace in the creative process.